Chemical Peels - Destiny Med Spa

Chemical Peels

chemical peels work by exfoliating the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of blemishes, smooth skin texture, improve radiance, and restore skin health. These effective treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, or legs. They are most effective at enhancing cell turnover and improving the appearance on the surface of the skin.

During the treatment, your skincare professional will apply one or more layers of a chemical peel solution onto skin for a specified amount of time. This is dependent on the type of chemical peel used, the concentration of the solution, skin type, and skin’s reactivity to the treatment. While some peels are self-neutralizing, most formulas need to be neutralized with a buffering solution or water upon completion of the treatment. The goal is to create a controlled, safe injury to the skin, thereby prompting skin to naturally repair itself and reveal newer, brighter skin.

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