he JetPeel treatment is an all-natural, virtually painless skin treatment procedure that dramatically improves the appearance and texture of your skin, and is the very latest in non-chemical skincare techniques.
The JetPeel treatment is an all-natural, virtually painless skin treatment procedure that dramatically improves the appearance and texture of your skin, and is the very latest in non-chemical skincare techniques.
Using water and oxygen, this treatment exfoliates skin; improving texture, tone, hydration and circulation. JetPeel has several benefits: it deep cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates and oxygenates the skin. Infusions of vitamins and other ingredients to treat specific skin issues can also be added.
305 800 (LIPO)
5636 NW 167 ST, Miami FL 33014
Monday – Saturday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM
786 409 7430
7480 Fairway Drive, Suite 101, Miami Lakes 33014
Monday – Saturday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Massage Establisment License MM39699
Massage Establisment License MM35811
Tattoo establishment license Permit 13-44-1767856
Tattoo artist license permit 13-44-1767868